Tuesday 5 October 2010

Coronets (And Kind Hearts)

Lily helped to make these simple crowns, insisting Samuel has one too. She chose the material, ribbons and 'gem stones' and even pushed the treadle for me as I sewed. They have been a great hit with her, worn almost constantly. Sam, on the other hand, prefers to suck his rather than wear it. Made from coloured felt and any old bits and pieces for embellishment.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Change Mat And Dribble Bib

The sewing thing is taking some doing with my 'napping-is-for-losers' baby but sometimes peace descends. During one such moment I managed to make these. The change mat has a soft fleece lining (from an old dressing gown) and room for a couple of nappies and a packet of wipes in the pocket on the front, all neatly held together with a popper/press stud/snap fastener. The popper making machine is currently my new favourite gadget.