Sunday 9 August 2009

Baby Vests

More babies, more gifts.
I bought this great stuff for making iron on patches, it's called something along the lines of 'bondaweb'. Means you can customise just about most things, plain vests and T-shirts are perfect.

You draw your motif on to the smooth side of the bondaweb, cut roughly round it. Iron on to wrong side of fabric, cut out motif properly. Peel off backing paper and then iron on to fabric through a damp tea towel.

I finished these off on the sewing machine with some ziz-zag stitch. I need more practice round corners so simple shapes work best for beginners. The bird's tail is just bits of old ribbon sewn in.
These will go to Agatha Rose, a little later than planned so I am hoping they will still fit.

Friday 7 August 2009


I have been inspired to have a go at making felt food after seeing some lovely, but expensive Haba ravioli on the Internet. It was pretty straight forward to sew especially as I started off with the easy stuff, broccoli might take a little more time and effort ;) . I stuffed them lightly with filling so they have some '3Dness'.
Lily is pretty stuck on her home corner so any new produce is always welcome. There are two sets of everything, one for my girl and one for my goddaughter, Wren.